PRIME SBR LATEX S-50 is an emulsion of single component styrene butadiene co-polymer based latex specially developed to improve the properties of cementitious compositions. PRIME SBR LATEX S-50 when used in combination with standard quality of ordinary Portland cement, it enhances the mechanical properties such as bonding (adhesion) with various building materials, flexurals, compression and impact strength. PRIME SBR LATEX S-50 improves the thin section fragility of cement when used as coating. It is resistant to hydrolysis hence can be used for external applications too.
Appearance: Single component milky white pourable liquid
PH value at 30⁰ C: 7.5 to 11
Viscosity on Fond cup B-4 at 30⁰C : 100 CPS Max. Viscometer spindle 1.12 R.P.M at 250C
Solids %: 44 to 50
Specific Gravity: 0.99 to 1.03
Durability with water: Dilutable in any Proportion (As per application)
Mechanical Stability: Good
Compatibility : Compatible with cement & concrete admixtures
Storage Stability: Excellent
Toxicity: Non – Toxic
Increases flexural and tensile strength.
Compressive strength is comparable with concrete.
Reduced shrinkage, water permeability.
Good bonding between old & new concrete.
High strength mortar with good resilience
Durable structural repairs, restoration & waterproofing.
Improved abrasion resistant flooring.
Simple to use as it is a single component.
Cures to a hard, tough& wear resistant surface.
Bonds (adheres) strongly to the most surface types.
Can be applied to an uniform thickness coating on horizontal and vertical surfaces.
Allows trapped water (vapors) to escape and prevents blistering and adhesion failures.
Makes cement mortar or coating compact which prevents salt penetration into the concrete.
It is unaffected by UV light and prevents fading of concrete.
It acts as anti-corrosive for steel. It is highly durable even in continuous contact with water.
It is resistant to water, dilute acids and alkali solutions.
It is non-flammable & non-hazardous. Does not evolve toxic gases when exposed to fire
Non-toxic to human being.
Most properties improves on ageing
Resistant to fungus and micro-organism growth.
Surface preparation is the most important step before application to achieve desired results and avoid failures.
The surface should be absolutely dry, free from dust coatings, loose particles, fungus, moss, oils, greases, mold-release agents & dirt. Clean the surface by scrapping, sand blasting to remove dirt & loose particles.
Treat surface with 5%-10% hydrochloric acid, followed by complete neutralization with water, which will improve bonding of the coating. Oils, greases &mold-release agents can be cleaned with solvents
Waterproofing of building, toilets sunken portion basement.
Waterproofing of water tanks and swimming pools.
Repairing of concrete and masonry walls-internal, external & terrace roofs by cement mortars.
Renovation and protection of concrete against corrosion and salt petrel.
As a bonding agent for old concrete to new concrete, industrial floor or floor duct nosing repair
Plaster to Plaster, Concrete to concrete, Plaster over brick masonry in the
ratio of 1:4:7 (Prime SBR Latex S-50 : water : cement)
Prior to mixing prepare a mix of Latex and water and add cement to it.
2 coats with the ratio of 1:4:7 to be applied with an interval of 6-7 Hrs.
Prime SBR Latex S-50 is first separately diluted with water by adding water to
Prime SBR Latex S-50. The diluted
PRIME SBR LATEX S-50 is then added into the mixture & homogenized.
On a clean& well prepared surface apply PRIME SBRLATEX S-50 cement slurry(PRIME SBR LATEX S-50 by weight). : Cement: 1: 1 Part
Apply PRIME SBR LATEXS-50 mortar by trowel to achieve uniform& smooth finish. Application of PRIME SBRLATEX S-50 modified mortar should be very fast as it cures fast.
Moist cure for 24 hours & then allow it to cure.
Cement: 1.00 Kg
Sand: 2.50 Kg
Water: 0.16 Kg
Prime SBR Latex S-50: 0.20 Kg
DEFOAMER (if required): SILICONETYPE (Dosage as per requirement)
Deformers of silicone type (proprietary products) can be used but dosage
depends upon the method of mixing & manufacturers recommendations. Adjust
quality of water for workability if required. Do not add excess water.
Increase the proportion of Prime SBR Latex S-50 for more demanding situations
1. Remove all sealed / loose concrete to reach up to the concrete or reinforced
structure and remove all loose dust by means of wire brush.
2. Remove all dust particles by means of high jet water.
3. Apply one coat of Prime SBR Latex S-50 with cement (Ratio of Prime SBR
Latex S-50 : cement :1:1 PBW) on
4. cleaned reinforcement & allow to dry for 2 – 3 hrs. Coverage: 60 + 5 sq.ft. /
Liter / coat
5. Apply Prime SBR Latex S-50 coat i.e. mixture of cement: Prime SBR Latex
(1:1by PBW) on entire surface. Allow it to dry for 1-2 hrs. Coverage: 30 + 5 sq.ft.
/ lit / coat.
6. Now prepare polymer modified mortar as given below and apply it on entire
concrete substrate at 10mm or 20mm thickness as required.
Cement: 50 Kg
Sand: 125 Kg
Water: 8-10 Kg.
Prime SBR Latex S-50: 8-10 Kg.
Apply above polymer mortar by hand pressing over tacky Prime SBR Latex S-50
7.Allow to cure above polymer mortar for one day
Moisture cure for 24 hours allow to dry out.
Tools & equipments should be cleaned with water immediately after use.
plastic containers of:
1 Kg.
5 Kg.
20 Kg.
200 Kg.
24 months from the date of manufacture. Shake well before using after prolonged storage
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