PRIME SCRETE S-132 is a single component100% acrylic polymer admixture specially developed to improve the properties of cementitious compositions. When it is used with combinations with standard quality of ordinary Portland cement, it enhances the mechanical properties such as bonding (adhesion) with various building materials, flexural, compression and impact strength. It improves the thin section fragility of cement when used as coating.
Prime Screte S-132 is easily mixed with cement, cures to hard, tough, weather resistant surface & bonds strongly to most of the building materials.
Prime Screte S-132 can be over coated by exterior emulsion coating or cement based paints. It can be applied to a uniform thickness coating on horizontal and vertical surfaces.
Prime Screte S-132allows trapped water vapor to escape and prevents blistering and adhesion failure.
It makes cement mortars or coating compact thus preventing salt penetration into concrete.
It is unaffected by UV light and prevents discoloration of concrete and corrosion in steel due to its alkaline nature. It is resistant to water, dilute acids and alkali solutions. Coating is highly durable even in continuous contact with water.
It is non-flammable, non-hazardous, does not evolve toxic gases when exposed to fire. Non-toxic to human being.
Most properties improve on ageing. Resistant to fungus and growth of microorganism.
Waterproofing of building terrace, toilet sunken portion, basements, waterproofing of water tanks and swimming pools.
Bridge decks, traffic aprons, runway, parking garages, industrial or factory floors, balconies, mechanical rooms, side walls. etc.
Pools and foundations, reservoirs, channels dams, water tower, tunnels etc.
Sewers, silos, foundation walls, swimming pools etc.
Repairing of concrete & masonry walls- internal, external and terrace roofs by cement mortars.
Protection of concrete against corrosion and efflorescence.
As an additive with cement paints, which improves waterproofing property, coverage by 20-25% and life of cement paint.
As a bonding agent for old concrete and new concrete.
It is the most important step before application to get best results and to avoid failure.
The surface must be free from dust, coatings, loose particles, fungus, moss, oils, and mold release agents.
Clean the surface by scrapping, sand blasting, grinding to remove dirt & loose particles.
Treat the surface with 5 to 10% hydrochloric acid followed by complete neutralization with water which will improve bonding of the coating. Oils, greases and mold release agent can be cleaned with solvents.
For waterproofing of terrace, toilet blocks, swimming pools, water tanks and basements.
After surface preparation pre-wet the surface with sufficient water.
Allow the surface to dry for minimum 1 hour. Mix 2 kg of OP cement with 1ltr. Of Prime ScreteS-132 homogenously till no lump or air bubble remains in the mix.
Apply coating by brush and allow it to dry for 2 hrs before application of second coat. Minimum 2 coats are required.
Mix 3-4 ltr. Of Prime ScreteS-132 with 50kg.of cement paint homogeneously to form an uniform mix.
Apply the mixed and diluted cement paint by brush.
Allow to dry 2 hrs before application of second coat.
It increases the covering capacity of cement paint by 20-25%.
Depressions, voids can be filled and leveled by using Prime Screte S-132
mortar. Use 10% of Prime Screte on cement weight.
1. Prime Screte S-132 coating should be protected from movements of traffic for at least 48hrs and kept moist for the next 24 hrs by sprinkling of water or covering with wet gunny bags. Continue the moist curing for at least 72hrs before submersion or ponding in water.
2. Curing must be continued for minimum 28 days before exposure to weather.
1. As a bond coat (1:1 ratio)
40 – 45 sq. ft./ 1 coat (it may vary depending upon the substrate)
2. As a coating (2:1 ratio)
25-30 sq. ft./ 2 coats
Store the material in cool and dry place. Shelf life is 2 years.
Tools and equipment’s can be easily cleaned with water.
1 Kg
5 kg
20 Kg
50 Kg
200 Kg
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